The DistanceThe Red Wheelbarrow PoetryLarry SchwartzIt’s just a trickof lightthat plays onyou and mea sleight of handthat deals the darkalso daylight bringsThe flicker keeps us out of syncin our antipodes Featured on 6 May 2021
Larry SchwartzIt’s just a trickof lightthat plays onyou and mea sleight of handthat deals the darkalso daylight bringsThe flicker keeps us out of syncin our antipodes Featured on 6 May 2021
The Little Yellow HousePhelelani Makhanya There is a little yellow house at the corner of the street, where the jacaranda has painted the paving purple. Every...
Naughty GreensBasil du Toit The rude vegetables are up to no good again, succumbing to irresistible inflations, their growth-tips, tautly congested,...
Evening Song (Durban)Ari Sitas After a day of stoning and gas an ancient chore beckons by the ocean’s lip - a crowd heaving, heaving, sifting through the sand...