Paul Mason
Spend years learning how to become something:
then become it:
that’s it then:
dentist: lawyer: optometrist:
atrophy and putrefaction:
certificates on the desk and walls of the office:
reasons and motives frozen:
to fit the [frames]:
that’s employment: the ossifying of intentions:
shaping the means to fit the ends:
then the mould sets and the means cease to matter:
the ritual and the repetition:
actions formulated: motives, means and ends encapsulated:
concentrated in the necessary relations:
patients and clients:
the instruments become the life:
the life becomes the instruments:
drill bits and polishers:
contracts and statutes:
optics and eye charts:
there’s the pattern: and so it goes:
gum disease and tooth decay:
libel and delictual damages:
spectacles and contact lenses:
templates for life against Life:
occupation itself:
that’s the occupational hazard.
Featured on 8 April 2021