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Writer: The Red Wheelbarrow PoetryThe Red Wheelbarrow Poetry

Robin Winckel-Mellish


The cicadas in the trees above

have been making that sharp singing

sound all day, starting and stopping

taking a rest, and then an explosion

of noise, as if trying to drown our voices

in the kitchen, and it has just occurred

to me standing at the window, washing

the breakfast cups, that their lives

depend on their singing, unseen

but constant and that this is the heart’s

greatest project:

learning how to hold on,

to keep on trying to make something

of the bright new surface of each day,

and at the same time recognise

and cherish the great scar of demise.

To live with desire for both, to know

their names, and as the cicadas, sing

out an endless call in the heat of summer,

and when the damp cold winds blow,

return underground, to sip

sap from the roots of trees.

Featured at The Red Wheelbarrow on 23 June 2022


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