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Welcome to The Red Wheelbarrow Poetry Group

The Red Wheelbarrow Poetry Group – more opportunities for poetry

“So much depends . . .”


The Red Wheelbarrow was launched in January 2021 with a view to providing opportunities for poets, and those who love poetry, to meet and read. Our aim is to provide an inclusive platform for poets from diverse traditions, and at different levels of experience.

We host weekly Zoom readings every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Evenings consist of a reading by a featured poet, usually lasting for between 30-40 minutes, followed by a Q&A session, a short break, and then an open-mic session, in which anyone who’s ‘tuned in’ to hear the featured poet is welcome to read from their own poetry or from the work of another poet. 

We also host in-person readings in Cape Town on the first and third Wednesdays of every month. These readings begin at 7 p.m. and follow the same format as the Zoom readings. Readings currently take place in Bertha House in Mowbray (on the first Wednesday of the month) and in Tokai Library (on the third Wednesday of the month). 

Information about our readings is made available via our weekly circular, as well as our Facebook and Instagram pages:

An archive of our Zoom readings can be found here:

We hope that you can join us in these adventures, and that we can continue to provide poets with a vibrant space in which to share their poetry.

Yours in poetry,
Eduard Burle, Sindiswa Busuku, Jacques Coetzee, Kirsten Deane, Lisa Julie, Nondwe Mpuma, Melissa Sussens​




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Writer: The Red Wheelbarrow PoetryThe Red Wheelbarrow Poetry

Annette Snyckers

My anger is too much a lady

she does not shout

she sits in the corner and sulks.

I want to shake her, drag her out,

bring her into the light.

I want her to pummel her fists

on the table, make a noise,

I want her to wear lipstick

the colour of ripe plums

and dark roses

I want her to wear heels

and stamp her feet

I want her to be

a bitch –

but she will not oblige.

Featured at The Red Wheelbarrow Zoom launch of The Only Magic We Know: Selected Modjaji Poems 2004-2020 on 31 March 2022

Writer: The Red Wheelbarrow PoetryThe Red Wheelbarrow Poetry

Arja Salafranca

There are intimacies beyond touch,

I am learning.

There are intimacies that reach beyond trust.

I am trying to remember the lesson

as I lean my face into the softness of your smooth neck,

and feel you pulling back

into the responsibilities of your life.

Instead we talk,

about parents, my mother’s failing eyesight,

and solutions that will appear,

even if we have no idea how.

Of babies, adoption, hot December nights,

a future that mirages into the present.

I try to claim them, lay a stake for the future.

As I hold you goodbye, we kiss lightly on the lips.

And I’m gone, trying to hold you,

hold your words, your thoughts, your face

as the tyres slip past you,

On, onward, your face in its various poses,

distracted, wise, thoughtful, worried

nesting somewhere in me.

Featured at The Red Wheelbarrow Zoom launch of The Only Magic We Know: Selected Modjaji Poems 2004-2020 on 31 March 2022

Writer: The Red Wheelbarrow PoetryThe Red Wheelbarrow Poetry

Keith Gottschalk

we who are not angels

nor born with wings

nor tithe of virtue for ascent to heaven

we had only slide rules, now software

we, who turn equation into turbopump

who craft metal to take flight

we who gave birth to the impossible

a pulse of fire soaring

a glint of light.

Featured at The Red Wheelbarrow on 24 March 2022


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